Dragon Soul

All posts tagged Dragon Soul

I was a late-comer to “Game of Thrones” as I typically don’t watch shows that try too hard to be adult-themed.  Even when I did finally buckle down to watch it, it took me a few months of binging to get through it.  Luckily, I won’t need a few months to play “Dragon Soul”, a game that you can currently buy over on the official website.  Here, players will be tasked with holding a certain number of uncontested castles by doing battle with battalions and quite possibly, a dragon!  Special thanks to Sebastian Baverstam, an independent board game designer, for sending a copy.  I’m required by FTC regulations to disclose that I was paid to cover this game, however any and all opinions remain my own.  As always, the only thing paid for here was my time and expertise.

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