Double Double Dominos

All posts tagged Double Double Dominos

Like “Scrabble”?  How about “Dominoes”?  If you said yes to either question, then you may want to pay attention as “Double Double Dominoes” is a blending of both games.  Players will be tasked with placing their dominoes in “Domino” fashion on a game board reminiscent of “Scrabble”.  Placing dominoes on point squares will net you a path up the victory point track, though you may also inadvertently cause your opponents to do the same…more on that later.  Before we dive into this particular game, I’d like to thank both Ray Wehrs and Cassidy Werner from Calliope Games for providing me with a free press copy.  Calliope Games are the same people who brought you “Tsuro“, “Tsuro of the Seas“, “Roll For It!“, “Got ‘Em!“, and “Ugh!“, for those of you who recognize the name.

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