Board Games

All posts tagged Board Games

Word games like “Scrabble” are all well and good, but they often reward the players with the most vocabulary floating around their heads.  This makes playing with children somewhat difficult, unless you limit yourself to three or four letter words that don’t earn yourself a whole lot of points.  “Word Domination”, a game that’s coming to Kickstarter late August of 2016, doesn’t have that problem.  Before I go into why that is, I’d like to thank Jeff Beck from Uproarious Games for providing me with a prototype copy for preview purposes.  It’s important to stress that prototypes are not often reflective of the final product, making everything you see here (including the rules) subject to change.

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Adult themed card games seem to be making a comeback as of late.  Take “Cards Against Humanity”, for example…almost every casual gamer I know (even teenagers who really aren’t supposed to be playing it) seem to know what it is and how to play it.  “Farce”, a game that’s coming to Kickstarter in August of 2016, is similar to “Cards Against Humanity” but has quite a unique twist to it.  Before I get started, I’d like to thank Game Creator Guy Walker for providing me with a prototype for preview purposes.  It’s important to stress that prototypes are not often reflective of the final product, making everything you read about here (including the rules) subject to change.  Like “Cards Against Humanity”, this game is not meant to be played by the easily offended, so you kids out there reading this should go do your homework or something.

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Having played this on the PC a bunch of times (“Dead Man’s Draw” was originally a video game first), I was curious to see what all came in the boxed version.  To my surprise, I discovered variants, traits, and other goodies that allowed me to customize the game any way I wanted to. You can check out my review of the board game and/or check out my game sessions on the PC in the videos below.

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“Elementos”, the fresh maker…no, that’s not right.  Don’t get old kids, it’s easy to get confused. Luckily, you won’t be confused by the rules of this particularly easy to play game.  In “Elementos”, two players will be attempting to use the elements to get their pawn over to the other side of the board.  These elements come in the form of pieces and while they all have the same movement rules, they have a rock-paper-scissors relationship.  To make things more interesting, they can be flipped to reveal a completely different element than what they were before.  I’ve opted to do a video review for this one, but spoiler: “Elementos” is fun for just about any couple, seeing as how it’s quick to both learn and play.  Check out the video below for a rules overview and a quick look at my final thoughts.

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War games are popular for a reason…it’s not like you can drive your very own Sherman down your local highway every day (if you can and it’s legal, good on you).  “Final Act”, a game that has a little over two weeks to go on Kickstarter (as of the date of this posting), is looking for your help to reach its goal.  “Final Act” promises to be streamlined and easy to play, but just as intense and strategic.

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Want to challenge your vocabulary skills but don’t feel like playing an hour plus long game of “Scrabble”?  “Flipside” may very well be the game you’re looking for.  This solo card game only takes twenty minutes to play, challenging players with earning the highest score they can with the help of special one-use abilities that they can use along the way.  Special thanks to Steven Aramini from Biggest Little Games for providing me with a press copy for review purposes.  Like my other recent reviews, I’ve opted to do this particular one in video form.  It was quicker and easier than writing a 1,000 word article.  Hit play below to see how it plays and what I thought, though you can probably guess by the review score that “Flipside” was most certainly above average.  I’ll go as far as to say that “Flipside” is probably the best solo card game involving vocabulary that I’ve played to date.

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I’ve always had an interest in alchemy, mainly because the term transmuted (pun intended) into what we now know as chemistry.  While I was never very good at chemistry, I do enjoy learning about the elements and how they interact with one another.  Whether I was watching Bill Nye or some teacher down at the Carnegie Science Center, my eyes were peeled to what was going on.  “Alkemia: Destiny’s Recipe”, a game that’ll be launching on Kickstarter sometime in August of 2016, will task players with becoming the Grand Alchemist by saving the land of Alkemia via the synthesizing of the Crest of Creation.  Before we begin, I’d like to thank the folks at Kinsoul Studio for reaching out and providing me with a prototype for preview purposes.  It’s important to stress that prototypes are not often reflective of the final product, making everything seen here (including the rules) subject to change.

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Kal-Purnika…a colonial planet’s name that runs right off the tongue.  In this make-believe world, this planet is renowned for its technological advances, specifically the ability to infuse minerals into a person’s DNA for the sake of curing diseases and enhancing various mental functions.  Unfortunately, treatment is expensive and in exchange for it, the government requires that the individual work for ten years of servitude as a metal mind agent.  Players will be competing to rebuild a power plant…the first to do so gets released from this servitude early.  Before we begin, I’d like to thank J.J. Sturgeon for reaching out and providing me with a prototype for preview purposes.  It’s important to stress that prototypes are not often reflective of the final product, making everything you see featured here (including the rules) subject to change).

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Filing Paperwork, earning and spending the Almighty Photon, dealing with hazardous Solar Jellies, and planning out your fiscal periods is just all in a day’s work in “Bureaunauts”, a game that’ll be launching on Kickstarter early August of 2016.  In short, you’ll be competing with other players to complete career goals in order to gain votes across the five department heads.  Before we go any further, I’d like to thank Allison Markello from Fox and Ox Creations, LLC for reaching out and providing me with a prototype for preview purposes.  It’s important to stress that prototypes are a work in progress and not reflective of the final product, making everything featured here (including the rules) subject to change.

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In my experience, a lot of war games I come across tend to be rather complicated.  Some even take over two hours to play and to be fair, I’ve seen folks at my local game shop play these kinds of games without batting an eye.  “Star Wars: X-Wing” is one of the rare few that I have gotten into that offers a ton of content but takes a while to fully understand.  “Gnosis Conflict”, a 2-3 player strategy game that will be launching on Kickstarter in July 2016, aims to keep things relatively simple while offering hardcore strategy vets something to think about.  I’d like to thank Anthony Gallo from Hitmouse Productions for providing me with a prototype copy for preview purposes.  It’s important to stress that prototypes are not often reflective of the final product, making everything you see and read about here subject to change.

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Blue Orange Games has a reputation of making some pretty darned fine family-friendly games and it’s a shame that I don’t see them available on the shelves of the stores that I regularly frequent.  They’re mostly geared towards kids (like in the case of “Dr. Eureka” and “Fast Flip“, but on occasion they cater to adults to (like in “New York 1901“).  “Vikings on Board” seems to attract the attention of both parties as it is easy to play, kid-friendly, and fairly strategic in a “worker placement / area control” kind of way.  I opted to do a video review in place of a written one, so go check it out below.  Special thanks to Blue Orange Games for providing me with a press copy for review purposes.

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Think YOU have what it takes to form Cohorts ranging from catapults to legionaries?  Well, you can most certainly give it a spin in “The Cohort”, which is coming to Kickstarter sometime in September of 2016.  Normally I’d do a preview for something like this, but I was told by MAGE Company (the folks who sent me the game) that my press copy was representative of the final product.  On that note, thanks again MAGE Company!  I outlined the gameplay and my thoughts in the below video, but also wrote a quick review for those who want the skinny in about a minute or less.

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MAGE Company has released some pretty moderate to heavy games over the past few years, but their recent trend seems to be focused on families and younger kids.  I’m not complaining mind you…some of my favorite games are the ones that are very easy to play but still require a little bit of thought.  In “Carrotia”, players will be teaming up to gather as many carrots as they can over the course of three rounds.  What’s more, players will be building the maze/playing field whilst under the pressure of a time limit.  Of course, birds controlled via die roll will be messing with you at almost every turn.  Special thanks to the folks at MAGE Company for providing me with a press copy for review purposes.  While the game is scheduled to hit Kickstarter in August 2016, I was told that my copy was representative of the final product.

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Castle Panic” has and always will be one of our favorite games to play, mainly because it’s co-op and so simple to learn.  Of course, who could say no to slaying goblins and the like as they come swarming toward your castle?  There’s been other variations upon that theme…”Dead Panic” and “Munchkin Panic” being the two that I own.  “Star Trek Panic”, I’m pleased to say, is an awesome addition to this running trend.  Before I go any further, I’d like to thank the folks at USAopoly for sending me a press copy for review purposes.

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Ever wanted to be a psychic warrior who can wield powerful thoughts?  Of course you have, what kind of silly question is that?!  “The Forevergone”, a two to four player card game, puts players in the shoes of such a warrior who are trying to eliminate their competition once and for all.  To do that, they’ll be trying to force their opponents’ cards into a discard pile known as, “The Void”.  Before I get into specifics, I’d like to thank Game Designer Rob Richmond for reaching out and providing me with a press copy for review purposes.  The game will be launching on Kickstarter on July 12th of 2016, however I’m told that my copy was the true and final version which is why I’m opting for a review instead of a preview.  The game can actually be purchased now via The Game Crafter, if you like what you see in this article.

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“Capo dei Capi” is probably one of the more complicated push-your-luck themed games I’ve ever had the fortune of playing.  It’s not as simple as rolling dice or flipping cards until you’re ready to stop.  Rather, you and another player will be fighting for control over various boards that gain value throughout the game.  Some will be worthless while others will generate a good bit of value cubes which in turn give you victory points at the end of the game should you win the board.

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