Let’s face it, today’s economy sucks. The average person works two jobs just to make ends meet. Those fortunate enough to have a decent to well-paying job are just above the bracket to qualify for assistance in paying medical bills that need to be pushed aside due to the mortgage. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, while those receiving welfare checks because they don’t feel like working ride around in their plush luxury cars. If you ever follow the news, you’ve probably noticed the price of just about everything going up, including bank fees.
People often make the comment that other people are a lot more rude nowadays compared to when say, humans were inventing fire, the wheel, and hot pockets. Is it true? Possibly…then again we didn’t have cell phones and other technology that have spoiled us into a life of convenience hundreds of years ago.
“Bones…have you ever heard of the Doomsday Machine?”
“No, I’m a Doctor, not a mechanic.”
It’s a well-known fact that you can’t do laundry in space. It’s much easier to just design a whole new wardrobe every time Picard soils his pants when the Borg show up or when Kirk accidentally rips his in front of seven different scantily clad women who come from different species yet all have the same body parts somehow.
Oh 1960′s, how you never cease to amaze me. You gave us many life changing events for future generations to reflect on; the Vietnam War, the Beatles (blech), MLK’s I have a dream speech, and of course most importantly, Adam West and Burt Ward as Batman and Robin who starred in 120 episodes and a movie.
I am hoping by now that the majority of you have seen all six Star Wars movies, whether it be voluntarily or forced by your nerdy boyfriend as part of a deal that he’d never ask you to wear that “stupid” Leia outfit, ever.
As someone who’s been around since the dawn of time (I.E. The Atari 2600 years) I’ve seen technology advance to new bounds every year. Granted, not all of those advances were great (Sega CD, I’m looking at you), but they were significant and life changing nonetheless.
AI. Artificial Intelligence, the catch 22 of today’s society. We embrace it, at least, most of us do. We Twitter, we Facebook, we MySpace (*Snicker*), we blog. We are designing lifelike robots that act like humans. At what point will the AI evolve on its own and surpass us? If I, Robot has taught me anything, it’s that if Will Smith moves into my neighborhood, it’s time to move to a nice, secluded part of Alaska.
Ladies, I don’t know how it is for you in the restroom, but cheese and rice, it’s a jungle for us civilized men in a world full of apes that somehow escaped from the set of 2001: A Space Odyssey.
If you’ve been caught up in the TV show LOST, you’ll come to recognize this as a recurring catch phrase offered by various members of the cast. I recently had the pleasure of plowing through all six seasons of this head scratching, brilliant show and wanted to share my thoughts on it. I will attempt to keep the spoilers to a minimum for those of you who haven’t seen LOST and intend to in the future. For those of you who have seen it and want to discuss it in detail, feel free to private message me.
If I learned anything from Howard the Duck, it’s that you should always keep a large neutron disintegrator strapped to a golf cart in your garage just in case dark overlords from an alternate dimension want to take over your body.
I’m pretty sure they do, they just aren’t prejudiced against different kinds of food.
Canis lupus familiaris, man’s best friend, and rightly so. They not only comfort and protect us, but some are even trained to assist us in our daily living. Regardless of all that they do, I am surprised by how many people shy away from me when I mention that I own a Pitbull, as if I had just threatened to make them watch seventeen hours of Full House reruns.
I was rehashing some nostalgia recently by watching episodes from Star Trek: Original Series and realized that some of them should have remained buried.