People are spoiled by cell phones, no ifs, ands, or buts about it. Luckily that isn’t a bad thing. Back when I was a kid being on America Online to check my email was the new big thing. Downloading a ten second .wav (sound) file could take five minutes, give or take, based on your dialup connection. Now we have a way to send messages to each other in less time than it takes you to type the message on your phone.
“To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country’s service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations.” – Woodrow Wilson, November 11, 1919
Time travel…it wouldn’t be a science fiction show or movie if there wasn’t time travel involved. Whether it’s a slingshot around the sun or a large malformed donut sticking out of the ground, Star Trek surely covers it.
Good day fellow cooks! Ready your paper plates! Break out your Hello Kitty apron! Plug in the microwave! It’s time for “Cooking With Vince!”
You haven’t fully experienced life to its fullest until you’ve been a parent. It’s an experience that we as human beings struggle with on a daily basis despite having done it for thousands of years. Writers publish books, teachers hold parenting classes, experienced nannies appear on television shows…yet everyone seems to have a different opinion. It’s funny how many opinions are the “correct ones” when they involve YOUR kids.
For those of you that know me, I’m fairly easy-going and quiet. For those of you that know me very well, you have come to realize that I have more quirks than Jim Henson has muppets.
More and more people are doing this “new” thing called Twitter. I honestly don’t understand the hype.
The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus is called “The Greatest Show on Earth.” As someone who doesn’t like clowns, I beg to differ. Allow me to explain.
When Starfleet needs to put its best foot forward, they turn to a color blind tailor that has trouble figuring out how to fold a piece of paper. Seriously, I couldn’t find one redeeming Star Trek dress uniform out of the ones I recalled from memory with the exception of one that really wasn’t meant to be a dress uniform. Maybe you might have a different opinion…
Need ideas for your next family dinner? Flying solo for the evening and need a quick meal to quell those hunger pains? Never fear, I have just what you need.
Call me old, but I really don’t understand why someone felt the need to reboot this awful show. I was around when it aired on MTV and even back then when I was easily swayed by peer pressure I wanted nothing to do with it. Let’s take a look at what supposedly passes as humor shall we?
“Ahhhhhh! Snake!”
If you are hearing this being yelled in your home, chances are one of two things is happening. Either you or a family member just soiled their pants, or Billy The Exterminator is on your television set.
“Wearing a red shirt” is a phrase you’ve probably heard time and time again but never understood the reference. Had you been watching Star Trek like good little boys and girls I wouldn’t have to create this article, but as it stands, you need my help badly.
At the request of one of my awesome readers, I’m going to revisit this in an effort to further make my point.
Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and acid reflux are often used together, but are two totally different things. If you’ve ever woken up in the middle of the night gasping for air because of an obstruction in your airway due to a thick liquid like substance sitting there, followed by a lot of coughing, burning in your throat, and sometimes vomiting, then congratulations, you’ve just undergone a severe form of acid reflux. Harvey, tell the good reader what they’ve won!
Sorry, this isn’t a Pat Benatar tribute, rather a corny way to introduce my next blog topic. I hear this question every year…”Are you getting your flu shot?” To dodge the question I usually reply with a conspiracy theory that makes people slowly edge in the other direction, wishing they hadn’t asked in the first place.