I wanted to give a quick nod to an MMO that ceased being last night, 12/15/11. I remember playing Star Wars Galaxies shortly after the Jump to Lightspeed expansion hit in 2004. It was also the first MMORPG I had ever played.
Video Games
All posts tagged Video Games
Do you know the difference between float fishing and lure fishing? Do you know what a tackle is? Do you know the difference between a black bass and a smallmouth bass? If you said no to any or all of those questions then you’re in luck as you don’t need prior fishing knowledge to play Wii Fishing Resort.
Last but not least, I’d like to cover the Huntress and the Ranger.
Welcome back, fellow Dungeon Defenders. In the last article we covered the Squire / Countess. This time we’ll be focusing on the Apprentice / Adept.
We’re back with another article on Dungeon Defenders. This time we’ll be looking at the classes in detail, what their towers / traps are, and what works for me in terms of strategy.
Chances are you are reading this because you either just bought Dungeon Defenders and are looking for general tips and tricks or you accidentally mistook my blog for a medieval porn site. I assure you, you’re reading the former.
I’m going to let you in on a little secret about myself. I’ve never read comic books despite my love for science fiction and computers. I have a basic understanding of who the main superheroes are but when you ask me stuff about the DC or Marvel Universe I’ll probably just give you a blank stare. Luckily, you don’t have to be a hardcore comic book fan to enjoy Batman: Arkham City, the sequel to Batman: Arkham Asylum.
By now, most of you have at least heard of the Wii, a gaming system released by Nintendo in 2006. For those of you unfamiliar with the Wii, your controller is a “remote” that you point at the sensor bar either above or below your television which picks up your movements.
There are days when things go your way.
So there I am, wandering along the cobblestone road with about four hundred pounds of equipment on my back like I always do, wishing I had more inventory space so I could pick up more crap so I could sell it to the blacksmith back in town. Problem is, there’s a quest ahead and I don’t really feel like turning back now.
It’s not often that something comes along and completely blows me off my feet in the way of PC games. Dungeon Defenders did just that. It’s a combination of tower defense, shooter, and role-playing game. Allow me to explain for those of you who aren’t hip enough to know the lingo.
Looking back, as old men in my thirties often do, we tend to see things in a new light. Time spent, for example, in obsessing over completing impossible, poorly designed video games and chalking it up to the naive concept that “it’s just challenging.”
Life is good. That is, it was until the “Creator Of All That Is Evil” plopped my house down next to an active volcano to make room for the seventeen bingo parlors he placed side by side down the main stretch of road. It’s really not all bad. There’s a mini-golf venue right across the street from me; it blends right in with the speakeasy and coal power plant. Fun for the whole family.