There is some speculation about a new SimCity game on the horizon, though it hasn’t been confirmed yet. I personally can’t wait…the last SimCity game to have been released was back in 2007. Not many would call that particular game, SimCity Societies, hardcore however. Many were turned off by the dumbed down, kiddie version of the series. Those who hated it are still playing SimCity 4 which was released in 2003. Sure, you have games like Cities XL to fill the void, but any SimCity fanboy (and fangirl) knows that there just isn’t a substitute for building a great empire and then laughing manically as you tag team Godzilla in to wipe it all off the face of the planet.
Video Games
All posts tagged Video Games
I have to admit I don’t look upon First Person Shooters with the same level of respect as I do with strategy games. Rather than planning out your moves and thinking ahead, you’re often thrust into a situation where you have to gun down all the bad guys while trying to stay alive. Without a compelling storyline to keep me engaged, I quickly get bored and move on to the next game.
In case you didn’t know, StarCraft has been around for quite a while. It’s also a professional sport in South Korea. If you get curious and watch the pros play, you’ll quickly see that no matter how good you think you are, you suck. Well, no longer. I have a foolproof strategy that will help you climb to the top ranks in no time!
Science fiction and video games…if you’re like me, and I know I am (ba-dum-ch!), you’ll turn your head at either one of those things. StarCraft II takes both of those things, adds a western-ish-y theme, and puts the player back into the driver’s seat of commanding an army once more.
I just tried Wii Fit Plus recently and I hate it already, though for all of the wrong reasons. I suppose this requires a little bit of explanation.
What happens when you combine World of Goo, Lemmings, and Populous? You mean to tell me you’ve never heard of any of them? *Sigh* Well all right then, we’ll do this the hard way.
Another indie game snuck up on me and turned out to be pretty good…then again, I have a hard time saying no to games that promise to make me think and strategize. It helps to have delusions of grandeur and the overwhelming urge to take control of everything because dammit, you just do it better than everyone else. Fact.
Yes…another Tropico 4 article. I seem to get a lot of traffic on my Tropico 4 articles, mostly from the Google search phrase “Tropico 4 Housing” and “Tropico 4 Wages”…why not give the readers what they want?
Welcome back, El Presidente! I’ve received a few requests asking to go over the tourism side of Tropico 4. Ready your passport and pack your suitcases, we’re about to take a little vacation.
After a hundred and twenty articles, I think it’s finally time to profess my love for the RTS genre. That’s Real Time Strategy for those of you not in the know…you’re welcome.
Hello, El Presidente. Are your loyal subjects…ermm…citizens revolting? Are you constantly running out of money? Can’t beat one of the scenarios? You’ve come to the right place. Have a cuban cigar and follow me, won’t you?
Everyone has heard of SimCity right? The game where you spend hours building vast empires using residential, commercial, and industrial zones coupled with schools, hospitals, and stadiums only to narcissistically watch your sims flee in terror from the Godzilla disaster you unleash when you’re ready to start fresh with a new map?
Wii Fishing Resort has been out for over a month now and there doesn’t seem to be many guides out there helping us in our fishing travels. Below is a short list of general strategies I’ve found helpful in helping me unlock most of the content.
Orcs. They’re mean. They’re green. They’re big. They’re ripped. They’re the other white meat. They’ve got an attitude. Obviously, they must die.
A long time ago in a galaxy far, fa…well you get the idea. Star Wars: The Old Republic is the latest MMORPG by LucasArts, BioWare, and EA and is set to be released December 20th, though those who pre-order are able to get into the game early.
Do you remember when you were a little kid? Chances are you had a video game system in your house that played those blocky games you bought at the store. Most people, at one point or another, have navigated Mario through the Mushroom Kingdom, making him jump to hit blocks and toss fireballs at approaching Goombas. Those games were linear in that what you paid for is what you got. There was no connecting your Nintendo Entertainment System or Atari 2600 to the internet to download games or update ones you had purchased. What you purchased, no matter how crappy the game was, was what you were stuck with.