There was nothing quick about buying my house. It was a time-consuming, stressful experience that I don’t really care to repeat. Luckily, in the land of video games, there lies real estate games that allow you to buy, sell, upgrade, and customize property to meet certain goals. The Build-a-lot series is no stranger to these features.
Video Games
All posts tagged Video Games
I was extremely surprised to see this game appear on Steam…it literally popped in out of nowhere. I’m very happy that a classic board game made its way into the video game world, especially at an extremely reasonable price. The board game version is one of the most requested to play in our house and I snatched this up without a moment’s thought. So, all aboard fellow readers…let’s take a look at the game that has been and is currently sweeping the nation.
Just when I thought I was caught up with all of my characters…they had to go and release a new class. The Summoner is unique however in that it is the only class that can summon units and send them against the never-ending waves of bad guys via an RTS (Real Time Strategy) interface. As a diehard RTS fan, I could have sworn I heard “Ode to Joy” thundering in my ears when I discovered this new feature…but does it really work?
Ready your ice packs and stock up on Ibuprofin…the world’s clickiest game is back and it is better than ever. Not much has changed in terms of overall gameplay, but that isn’t always a bad thing. There are plenty of bad guys to kill and tons of items to loot…though we must ask the question, “Is it worth sixty bucks?” Keep on reading to find out.
How many of you as kids used to play with those plastic army men soldiers? You know, those green and tan figures that were poised in various positions? If you were lucky, your package might have come with a barricade or a plastic tank. I distinctly remember setting them up in my backyard, specifically my sandbox, and narcissistically making them sink one by one as they did battle…this was in between chess games and Hi-C Ecto Cooler fruit drinks mind you. Anyway, seeing this particular game advertised on Steam brought back a flood of memories.
So, you’ve reached level 74 and you are not sure where to go next. At this point, your gear can probably get you through some of the insane maps but nothing is dropping to help you tackle the nightmare maps. After some painstaking research and a little trial and error, I’ve managed to collect and lock mythical gear for my future toons to use. Mythical gear is the next step in tier once you reach level 74. What maps and what classes did I use to get the mythical gear, you ask? Keep reading.
Quick question…what’s the first dungeon crawler you remember playing? If anyone said the Diablo III beta…you may want to pay attention to the teacher instead of reading my blog. *Sigh* Youngins. Anyway, mine was Eye of the Beholder, released back in 1991 in the MS-DOS days. Some dungeon crawlers date back even further than that. It’s been over twenty years since I’ve played anything like those old school games…then Legend of Grimrock came along.
A week ago, I wrote a preview for an upcoming expansion to one of my favorite games of all time. Now that I’ve had a chance to play it for a few days (ever since its digital release on 3/29/12), I feel that I can safely give my impressions and sum up its features…without being too biased.
I was surprised to log in to Steam and find a new character available for Dungeon Defenders via DLC. I was also surprised to learn that she’s a robot with a unique set of beam defenses that have forced me to rethink my usual playing strategies. Let’s take a quick look at what she has to offer.
I’ll be honest, I missed the Pokémon craze. Instead of growing up with malcontent, abused monsters that had a one word vocabulary and spent most of their time locked up in a small round ball, I grew up with overly energetic teenagers that wore different colored ninja outfits who felt the need to yell noises with every action they took during battle. They also spoke to a floating head that called itself Zordon who I’m convinced was a bit of a racist. C’mon…the African American guy is the black ranger? The Chinese girl is the yellow ranger? The Powerpuff girl as played by Amy Jo Johnson was the pink ranger? Then Rita Repulsa would throw her staff at the Earth and make whatever Battle Beast action figure she was playing with grow, forcing the Power Rangers to call upon their spirit animals to activate a fifteen minute transformer sequence, which then allowed the creators of the show to loop the main music sequence about four times.
It’s been a while since I’ve covered this game, but that doesn’t mean I’ve grown tired of it. Trendy is continuously adding DLC to keep the game interesting…some of it free, some not. Even without the DLC, this game would keep me occupied for quite a long time. There’s always a character to level and new loot to be equipped. In this article, I’m going to cover the latest character added as DLC: The Barbarian.
When it comes to letting their emotions run away with them, humans are their own worst enemy. If they believe something long enough, they will eventually find a way to make it come true. For that reason, there are people who REFUSE to play this game because of the hype on how scary it is…but…is it really?
“Just one more turn…Just one more turn…I’ve got time for another one…G&% F&*^%*&^ D**%&^%&!!! The sun just came up and I’ve got to leave for work in an hour!”
“Well done. Here are the test results: You are a horrible person. I’m serious, that’s what it says: “A horrible person.” We weren’t even testing for that. Don’t let that horrible-person thing discourage you. It’s just a data point. If it makes you feel any better, science has now validated your birth mother’s decision to abandon you on a doorstep.” – GLaDOS
Just dropping a quick line to you MMO and Star Trek fans to inform you that Star Trek Online recently went free to play. How does it play and is it worth playing? Let’s take a peek at what’s inside, shall we?
With Torchlight II and Diablo III on the horizon, there may be no better time to check out Torchlight if you haven’t done so already.