DGA Awards 2014

All posts tagged DGA Awards 2014

The gaming industry continues to surprise me with each passing day.  More and more creative people are stepping forward and bringing forth their ideas in the hopes of being able to share them with gamer families and friends all over the world.  Don’t believe me?  Go check out crowdfunding sites like “Kickstarter” and take a gander at how many games have made it through “Early Access” programs on digital distribution sites like “Steam“.  The number of games that have successfully made their way to an official release / retail distribution with the help of the general public is staggering.  On one hand, it pains me to think about how many games wouldn’t have seen the light of day had crowdfunding / early access programs not existed.  On the other, it makes me feel good to know that so many people share my love for gaming.  Needless to say, tabletop gaming and video gaming are two concepts that won’t be dying out any time soon…quite the contrary, it seems.

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