“Star Tycoon”, hands down, has been my most played prototype game in 2023. It features a number of mechanics that I absolutely love: tableau building, resource management, and an economic market to name the main ones. The game is played over 6 rounds, but a lot can happen in said 6 rounds. Players will be acquiring planets, then slotting developments under those planets to help them build their resource engine. At the same time, they’ll be trying to match the iconography on their planets to their developments to score some bonus VP. If that wasn’t enough, resource values will go up and down based on supply and demand, so cornering a very rare resource in the market can help you buy other resources you’d otherwise need to buy more cards. Factor in partnerships and random events…well, play never gets dull.
That said, the developers are seeking YOUR support to help make this game a reality. At the date and time of this posting, “Star Tycoon” has reached $24,810 out of its $26,000 goal. There are a few nice upgrades you can snag too…acrylic tokens, a neoprene mat, and more. You still have 23 days left to back this amazing game, so what are you waiting for? You can also check out my home-brewed alternate solo mode which uses Automa cards via the Steam Workshop. So as long as you own Tabletop Simulator, you can play the core game and try my Automa cards free of charge.
Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/warpcoregames/star-tycoon
TTS Core Game: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2912788950
TTS Automa Deck: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2942483183
You can learn more about the game via our many videos below. The first two are with the developers themselves, so tune in to learn all the cool tips and tricks to become the next “Star Tycoon”!
DGA + Developer Playthrough:
Home Brewed Solo Mode: