6 comments on “FTL: General Tips & Strategies

  1. Yeah, I made the mistake of slaughtering the entire crew with the Mantis type B ship (4 teleport pads!), and once the ship switched over to AI it fixed systems far faster than I could damage them.

    • I did the same thing, no worries. I still forget about my boarding parties on occassion and end up slaughting them because I forgot to turn off my weapons…doh!

  2. Great list! This will definitely help new players (wish I had seen this when I started lol). I want to add two things.

    1) The “Weapons Pre-Ignitor” is an amazing augmentation, especially when combined with Cloaking. It allows all your weapons to be fully charged when entering a fight. Enter a fight, launch your initial volley immediately, and then cloak. You will get your second volley off before the enemy gets their first volley off. The pre-ignitor is expensive, but during one game I was given the augmentation during an event; needless to say I did well that game.

    2) If you are stretched for power and dont want to (or cant) purchase an extra power bar (even though its priced relatively low), you can always take power away from your Med Bay and allocate it to a system that needs it. Your Med Bay doesnt need power unless you are healing, so most of the time it can remain unpowered. If you need to heal during a fight (rather than afterward), you just need to play a little power management (usually not an issue).

  3. I have been hearing about the game fgor awhile. I downloaded it over the weekend. I was at first not really impressed. I was like, “I can make a better game”. The second or third time I played it that day. I was thern saying to myself, what a nomcompoop I was for thinking that the game was some throwback to when we couldn’t come up with better designs. This is the most addicting, challenging game. I can’t get past three sectors aftyer playing it for three days. It is challenging and very tactical. I bolg about using games for leadership training. I think this is a good game that deals with risk/versus reward in a subtle way. It forces balancing short term strategy, resource management, using your people effecrtivly. I love the game. Thanks for the great tips, I just hope they will help, as I am getting one smack down after another, by little bit map bast2r5’s. LOL

  4. regarding melee: When i get boarded and do not have fighters yet, i depressurize the entire ship except the medlab and hole up there. boarders almost never attack subsystems if the oxygen is running out. once they come to medlab, you can close up the doors and start to repressurize while you fight them.

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