Board Games

Hello again, readers!  As some of you may have read, I really enjoyed playing a recent game that I picked up called, “You’ve Been Sentenced!“. It’s highly educational and the kids and I had a blast putting sentences together.  Today, I just wanted to quickly go over the six add-on decks that are currently available to compliment the main game.

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I’ve had the pleasure of playing and reviewing quite a few worker placement games this year…Agricola, Lords of Waterdeep, and Stone Age, just to name a few.  I was surprised to learn about Cargo Noir, having never heard of it until last week when I visited a local board game store for the first time (amazing experience, by the way).

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For whatever reason, I watched a lot of “Press Your Luck” as a kid.  The Whammy animations are pretty annoying now that I’ve had the pleasure of playing the DVD version of the game recently, but I guess back then I was easy to please.  The show involved players earning money by pressing a button and having the choice keep going or walk away with what they’ve won lest they stop their selection on a Whammy, in which case they lose everything.

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Pandemic remains to be one of my favorite cooperative games, but I came across another one that seemed oddly similar.  For those of you who haven’t read my Pandemic review, players will rally together to try and save the world from four deadly diseases.  Diseases are spread by way of infection cards, which are eventually recycled to the top of the draw deck so that they can be drawn again.  This mechanic increases the chances of infections becoming full-blown epidemics.  Diseases can be cured by trading in so many cards of that color, and players will be able to utilize specific abilities depending on which character card they chose in the beginning of the game.

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Galactus Prime is the capital of an evil empire that the rebellion is about to attack.  The only thing stopping the rebellion from taking over the capital is an ion supercannon that they must take out via a successful attack run.  Think “Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope” and the famous Death Star trench run at the end of the movie, but without the creepy voice in your head telling you to trust your feelings.

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One of life’s greatest questions, “Why did the chicken cross the road?”, has finally been answered.  It’s not because it wanted to get to the other side, nor was it because Leonard Nimoy was participating in a book signing at the library across the street.  No, friends…it’s because “Frogger” hadn’t been invented yet. (BA-DUM-CHH!)  Thank you, thank you…no autographs please!

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“I came here tonight and I didn’t know what to expect. I seen a lot of people hating me and I didn’t know what to feel about that so I guess I didn’t like you much none either. During this fight I seen a lot of changing, the way yous felt about me, and the way I felt about you. In here there were two guys killin each other, but I guess it’s better than 20 million. What I’m trying to say is, that if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change!” – Sylvester Stallone, Rocky IV.

Editor’s Note: Cold War?  East versus West?  Rocky versus Drago?  *Sigh* Watch your Rocky IV, kids.

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